I don't understand why Democrats keep harping on a pull out strategy, a strategy for losing to the enemies of freedom. Why is it so hard to trust our military leaders and be supportive of their efforts to help an entire country to live free and never again be a haven for terrorists that want to destroy us. And on top of that liberals want to blame our President for starting a war. Joy Behar on "The View" when discussing Presidential candidates said perhaps we would elect one that won't start a war. When did President Bush launch missiles into the World Trade Center, when did President Bush blow up the U.S.S. Cole, when did he support training camps in Afghanistan, when did he drop poison gas and nerve gas on Kurdish Villages in Iraq, when did run Iraq as a dictatorship friendly to terrorist groups?
Our Military has some of the best leaders in the world and while no human is perfect I do believe our military leaders have implemented a better strategy in Iraq. Our military leaders deserve our support and deserve our patience. None of us wants people dieing in Iraq. Our military soldiers have the dedication to see this through and they deserve us continuing to support them instead of trying to demoralize them by asking for a pull out plan.
Tell me this which wars ended better, those we stuck with or those we bailed on because we lacked the backbone to finish. And please don't confuse Vietnam with Iraq. In Vietnam our President thought he was a great military leader and he screwed the pooch by micro managing the military. President Bush is relying on his military professionals like a President should. That is why the supporters of Freedom will win in Iraq when we did not win in Vietnam. And this is why we should stick with Iraq until the job is done instead of acting like scared yellow children who are easily bullied by the guerrilla tactics used by terrorists.
Eric, I can't understand why you continue to stoop so low as to echo the Bush administration's nonsense, putting attacks on the WTC in the same paragraph as the U.S. attacking Iraq, and equating disagreement with the President's strategy with lack of support for the military. Both of those sets are completely different things.
You're smarter than that - if you want to justify the war against Iraq, do so, don't keep trying to couch it in "war on terrorism" language.
If you really believe the War in Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism than you don't understand the hatred for freedom that the terrorists have. Of course the war in Iraq is part of the war on terrorism. To be perfectly honest with you when there was proof of Saddam droping nerve gase and poison gas on Kurdish villages we should have known then it was time to stop him and his regime.
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