Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Into the Blog we go, watch out for the bumps...

After having been a reader of blogs for some time I decided it was time I put more than a toe into this pool. I like the human connections that blogging facilitates and the people involved are generally my kind of folks. Blogs from Cat Schwartz to Steven Vore have captured my interest and provided a wide variety of topics for thought and discussion. I am lucky enough to be friends with Steven which allows us to continue our bloggin interactions in person as well, something I would like to do with Cat but I will not hold my breath.

This is just the first step in my blogging adventure and I know that I will stumble, turn back, retreat and charge forward over and over as I learn more about this unique universe and the people that live here. I can only hope that others will both knock me down and be there to pick me up as I seek to contribute in some meager way to this communications play ground.

Step one, complete.......

1 comment:

Tony said...

Welcome to the world of blogs and thank you for visiting mine. Do call in again some time and leave a comment.
I wouldn't mind a bit of interaction with Cat Schwartz myself, but no doubt she's pretty busy.
All the best