The continuing witch hunt by democrats against Samuel Alito Jr. , Supreme Court nominee, has raised a concern based on Alito's dissenting opinion in 1991 that would require a woman to tell her husband before having an abortion.
"In a release Monday, Planned Parenthood interim president Karen Pearl said Alito's opinion shows "callous disregard of battered women who would be affected by the statute." She said if he is confirmed, Alito "would undermine basic reproductive rights" [source].
So why does the husband have no reproductive rights? The fetus has no right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but why does the husband have no reproductive rights? Is it because modern women are having so many affairs that they are trying to hide the pregnancy from their husband? Is it because only the mother can determine if the child is worth keeping? Or is it because they are feminists and they are in our face, on everything, including the elimination of fathers rights.
How can we on the one hand force fathers that do not want children to pay child support while on the other hand not give them some say on wanting to support a child that is currently unborn. This is not about eliminating abortion 'rights', it is about ensuring the rights of fathers as much as mothers. And please don't say "it is her body" because this is not about the woman's body, it is about the child's body.