The NAACP says its mission(1) is "to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination." Why then does the NAACP ignore Minister King Samir Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party when he says "You want freedom? You're gonna have to kill some crackers! You're gonna have to kill some of their babies!" ?
While at the same time generating a resolution based on "claims of racism, most notably in March near the end of the bitter health care debate. U.S. Reps. John Lewis, Andre Carson and Emanuel Cleaver said some demonstrators, many of them Tea Party activists, yelled a racial epithet as the black congressmen walked from House office buildings to the Capitol. Cleaver, D-Mo., also said he was spit on." (2) None of those claims could be confirmed despite all of the recordings happening at the time of the alleged epithets.
We have clear undeniable evidence of a confirmed racist spreader of hate speak in Minister King Samir Shabbazz that the NAACP ignores while they condemn a group based on allegations with no clear evidence.
How can anyone respect the NAACP or their mission while they behave like this. I will no longer contribute financially to their organization until they decide to actually follow their own mission statement without regard to race.